Wednesday 22 August 2012

Vic & Bob's Popadoodledandy

Too tired to write anything even vaguely coherent tonight but have a squiz at Channel 4's recently unearthed 1993 pop show pilot featuring performances from, among others, Cud & Denim, and presented by a pair of complete lunatics! That's Vic & Bob in their absolute comedic pomp. Everything about this is completely bloody marvellous!

*goes for a long lie down*


  1. Utter quality. Particularly liked Kym Mazelle's bemusement at the start of her interview, though she wised up pretty quickly. And wasn't that a young Marine McCutcheon fronting derivative bland girl-trio Milan?

    Oh, and the history of Erasure? Brilliant. All brilliant, in fact. Top find.

  2. Ah yes, I meant to check if that really was McCutcheon in that girl bland, but unsurprisingly forgot - until now. It was indeed.

    When I woke up this morning it took me a few seconds to realise that this programme wasn't a dream and that that really was Cud getting interrupted by Vic & Bob on yer actual telly.

    And despite its inherent brilliance this show had never made it to air until now, twenty years later - at 1.40am on a Tuesday. Shameful.
