I've been largely absent from the internet recently, mostly due to the fact that I've been slacking around in the sunshine. This morning, on the hottest day for ages, I'm stuck inside waiting for a poxy engineer to come and make sure a piece of equipment still works as it should do. I have nothing against the engineer personally, it's just these ruddy huge timeslots which they refuse to narrow down and then turn up outside the vaguely outlined time of day anyway.
Anyway, here are three songs in keeping with the current weather conditions outside my window.
The Lucksmiths - T-Shirt Weather mp3 (available for 7 days)
Martha Reeves and the Vandellas - (Love Is Like A) Heatwave mp3 (available for 7 days)
Mildred Bailey and the Casa Lama Orchestra - Heat Wave mp3 (available for 7 days)
Saturday Snapshots #380
Here we go, Snapshot Bandits... another twelve popular music stars to
But how are their songs connected?
12. Lennon's Candyman.
11. Crocod...
22 hours ago
In a spooky coincidence, you also blogged a Lucksmiths song on July 1st last year! (Smokers In Love, on the day the UK smoking ban came into effect.)
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