See if you can spot the unifying theme in the following three classic pop promos. First correct answer wins a go on the dodgems, a Top of the Pops LP and three cracks at the coconut shy. And yes, that is Mackenzie Crook in the Slow Club vid!
Bertie Fridays #4: What The World Needs Now...
Time for Bertie the dog to pick another of his favourite music Berts... or
Burts in the case of this week's star.
I'm sure I can't tell you anything abou...
23 hours ago
That's not fair!
Or... maybe it is.
It's fair but it's not fun!
Is it 'people looking serious and singing directly to camera'? No? Can't think what it could be then... :oP
It's not the answer I've got on the card but that works as well! ;)
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