You may recall I linked to the worst, most-punchable Christmas advert in history the other month; well, quite by chance, whilst watching an episode of Homes Under The Hammer earlier (don't ask), I heard something that sounded ominously familiar; someone from days of yore singing about "My Brother" to the exact same tune as the punchable Littlewoods Christmas ad music!
Further investigation revealed My Brother to have been a novelty hit in the 1950s for Terry "and June" Scott, which, in time-honoured style, has ended up being appropriated (albeit half a century later) and bastardised by a bunch of advertising slags in order to attract the custom of the aspirational, avaricious masses. Yeah, thanks a million for that, you utter sods.
Anyway, here's Terry's whimsical, not at all punchworthy version of The Song That Littlewoods Killed. The next time you see that godforsaken advert on the TV, try to remember the song this way.
Bizarrely, I also caught a snippet of Anna Ternheim's What Have I Done during that episode of Homes Under The Hammer. Whoever's picking the incidental music for that programme has really upped their game.
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9 hours ago
This tune was on an album I had when I was little called All Aboard. Currently unavailable on Amazon, I saw a copy going for a quid in For The Blind in Shepperton last weekend.
Bargain. I trust you snapped it up?
My Bruvver was a staple on BBC Sat morning Junior Choice in the 70s with DJ Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart. Usually sandwiched between Puff The Magic Dragon and Rupert The Bear - which is where drugs take you if your not careful .
After a moment's misty-eyed reminiscence I put it back in the hope that it might find a place in the heart of some deserving young kiddy. That and the vinyl looked a bit fucked.
See also 'Sparky's Magic Piano' and 'Hello Mudda, Hello Fadda'. Stewpot came back for one-off Junior Choice last Christmas. Warmed me very cockles.
("'Ere, what you had in your 'and? 'Ave ya? Phwoar!").
OK, so as it turns out I'm the only person alive who hadn't heard this song before. I've got a real scoop for you all tomorrow though; an up and coming bunch of lads called Culture Club and their brand new single Karma Chameleon. Watch this space!
Groundbreaking stuff as ever, cheers!
What about the 'Best Of Bernard Cribbins' - my fave was 'The Bird On The Second Floor'. Didn't George Martin produce much of the 60s comedy moments?
Any road Kips - you should pop over and insert your tuppence worth at
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