Just in case anyone has been disappointed at the discovery that those links I posted to Santo, Sam & Ed's Cup Fever in the previous entry no longer work, here's a new (permanent) one where you can download all episodes - and the links really will work this time!
It really is worth the bother if you're a fan of football and comedy (that's actual, intentional comedy, by the way, rather than the type served up by the England team), as this show is thoroughly entertaining from start to finish. (A typical joke saw the presenters all sucking on a packet of Wayne Rooney's Disappointmints, which tasted surprisingly bitter.)
I'm really letting the side down with blog posts this World Cup. Apologies for that. Just can't seem to drag myself off the sofa at the minute! Today also sees the thrilling start, if you're posh, of Wimbledon. Here are a couple of links to commemorate this momentous occasion.
From 1982: The Brat - Chalk Dust (The Umpire Strikes Back). Who could possibly have guessed as a sprog that twenty-eight yeasrs later the lyrics to this song wouldn't seem quite so hilarious after all?
Something that does still seem funny almost three decades on is the McEnroes at Breakfast sketch from Not The 9 O'Clock News:
The above clips illustrate perfectly, I think - for those too young or too addled to remember - just what a big deal John McEnroe was at the time. His fame/notoriety seemingly knew no bounds. Not that he's entirely slipped from view, of course. Whose was the first voice I heard when I woke up this morning? That's right, John McEnroe's. (Umm, not that I'm sleeping with him or anything. He was talking on the radio is all.)
Finally today, many congratulations to Northern Irishman Graham McDowell (who I'm sure will be reading this) on his stunning victory in golf's U.S. Open overnight, thus becoming the first European to win the event in colour. When Tony Jacklin won it in '70, the game was played entirely in black & white.
Apologies to anyone who's already read me coming out with many of the above comments on Twitter this morning, by the way. I am aware, however, that our entire readership doesn't necessarily frequent that place, so I have to keep both of you happy somehow.
In keeping with the entirely haphazard nature of this post, here's a song what I like!
Popsicle - Never Know mp3
Listening Post #26: Alexa, What Is There To Know About Love?
Brian Bilston is a writer and poet, dubbed both "the Banksy of the poetry
world" and "the Poet Laureate of Twitter". Neither title does him justice,
if y...
6 hours ago