Forgive the exclamation mark, but the arrival of any new Andreas Mattsson-related release has been incredibly exciting news for me for over fifteen years now - ever since I first heard Make Up by Popsicle and instantly found myself a new favourite band - and his new album Kick Death's Ass, due on February 18th, is the first we've heard of him for nearly five years since 2006's brilliant solo debut The Lawlessness of the Ruling Classes. (Well, apart from producing and contributing to Hello Saferide's last album, which was admittedly pretty great also.) So yes, a momentous day.
Appropriately, with today being football transfer deadline day and all, Kick Death's Ass (shame about the spelling of "Arse" there, but nobody's perfect) sees Andreas switch labels from Hybris to Razzia Records from where you can pre-order the album. I cannot wait to hear it, but suppose I'll just have to.
Although Kick Death's Ass is still a couple of weeks away, the album's brilliant first single, AA, is already available to buy as a download here, and can be streamed using the fancy Soundcloud gismo below. It's classic Mattsson right from the very start, and buying it will constitute the best 80p you'll spend all week.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an album to pre-order. Roll on February 18th!
Listening Post #26: Alexa, What Is There To Know About Love?
Brian Bilston is a writer and poet, dubbed both "the Banksy of the poetry
world" and "the Poet Laureate of Twitter". Neither title does him justice,
if y...
4 hours ago