Heard this on the wireless this morning and it made me laugh a lot. Simon Munnery improves The Orb's Little Fluffy Clouds no end with this, ahem, slightly less quixotic interpretation.
During this evening's 6 o'clock bulletin, the weather presenter on Anglia Tonight promised us "T-shirt weather by the end of the week". With these words I can only surmise that she must have set herself some sort of Chris Packham-esque shoehorning-in-song-titles challenge, only with Lucksmiths tracks rather than those by The (not-Luck)Smiths.
Actually, thinking about some Lucksmiths song titles - Sunlight In A Jar, Cat In Sunshine, Weatherboard, Shine On Me, Friendless Summer, Warmer Corners, Spring A Leak, Good Light, Brr It's A Bit Nippy Out - this might just work!*
Right then, where do we all stand on Curve? I seem to remember them getting a bit of flak in the music press all those years ago, although I can't quite remember why. Bandwagon jumpers? Too shoegazey? Not shoegazey enough? Major label chancers? Singer too good-looking? Guitarist too hairy? I dunno. To me they were like a slightly gothy Lush and, although not a massive fan, I did fork out for Coast Is Clear, which still sounds pretty fine to me two decades on. Am I wrong or am I wrong?
Mildly Interesting Pop Fact: Curve blew so much of the budget for this video on wind machines that they ended up having to shoot it in black and white. It wasn't just because they were trying to look arty or anything. Goodness me no.
If only the British music press could stop wetting themselves over First Aid Kit for five minutes, they'd see that there are other Swedish artists worth getting excited about. None more so than the ridiculously talented Frida Hyvönen, who releases her third album, To the Soul, in April.
The first single from it is Terribly Dark, which perhaps doesn't quite match up to the quality of some of her previous songs musically, but as ever the lyrics are a cut above what you'd expect from yer typical modern-day popster, and unlike some others I could, and in fairness already have, mentioned, Frida never affects an American accent when she sings. What more could you ask for from The Swedish Kate Bush?
This one went down like a lead balloon at the 1986 Royal Variety Performance, culminating in Princess Margaret calling Matt Johnson an "absolute fucking disgrace" and throwing her tiara at him from the royal box. Bit harsh - but what else could he do but suck it up?
If, by some unfathomable sequence of events, I were to become controller of programming at ITV (just go with me on this one) the first thing I'd do would be to schedule Ingmar Bergman's Persona for 8pm the following Saturday on ITV1. That'd wake the buggers up / traumatize their children / make them switch over to ITV2 / get me the sack immediately. Good film though.
Actually, me putting Bergman's name before the title there reminds me of a bloke - let's call him the wazzock - who appeared on Pointless the other night. In the final (because he made it to the final - of course he made it to the final) the wazzock was asked to guess any films that had won the Palme d'Or award at the Cannes Film Festival since 1975. So this he duly did, but not before he'd shown his expertise by blithely and needlessly announcing the names of each film's director before giving each answer.
This extra director information really wasn't necessary, so the wazzock was to all intents of purposes showboating when giving his guesses as "Roman Polanski's The Pianist", "Mike Leigh's Secrets & Lies" & someone or other else's something or other else, rather than just naming the films. Oh, and of course one of the answers - Secrets & Lies - turned out to be pointless (of course it was) and thus earned wazzock that day's jackpot. I don't have a picture of him to hand but his expression immediately afterwards was much like this:
So anyway, the moral to this tale is this: if you're good at trivia and you ever happen to appear on a TV quiz programme where such knowledge is a boon, don't embellish your answers unnecessarily. It just makes you look like a massive arsehole.
Ah, Valentine's Day. The greetings card industry's annual attempt to piss off single people everywhere. Must be fun if your birthday happens to fall on this particular date though, as it would deceive your postman into thinking you're massively popular with the laydeez/gentlemen, what with him or her having to deliver a load of cards bearing your name every 14th Feb. (Alright then, so not that much fun really.)
Valentine's gripes aside, I'm a sucker for a good love song, and this is one of the very best. Magnus Carlson joins Acid House Kings on the wonderful Will You Love Me In The Morning.
It's all about Racey on the blog at the moment. Most chart bands are so po-faced and joyless nowadays that it's easy to forget that pop music used to be about, well, having fun. Which brings us to Lay Your Love On Me and Some Girls. If these songs - and performances - don't cheer you up on a dreary winter's morning, there's really nothing I can do for you.
Right, time to blow the cobwebs off this mother I think. I've had enough of winter, enough of the coalition, the build-up to the build-up to the presidential race in a country thousands of miles away, the BBC fawning over the monarchy, Cameron having an opinion on everything, top-level football and all its attendant hype, homegrown players throwing themselves around football pitches like they were auditioning for the lead role in a Jurgen Klinsmann biopic, racism (but not Racey. You can never have too much Racey), award ceremonies, red carpets, pop stars popping their clogs, panel shows, bills, people with a sense of entitlement, people whinging on blogs, people not getting irony, people called Alan Shearer, that new bloke on Countdown, and people doing better than me in the fantasy football. You know who you are. But enough of all that. Time to get back to the music I think. As of now this blog is officially in a 'go' situation!
Hands up everyone who'd forgotten how chuffing marvellous this song is?
Rhys Nicholson: Live At The Athenaeum
Rhys Nicholson talks about managing relations, growing up in Australia and
dealing with his favourite fan. 8:45pm Saturday on ABC Entertains. Death in
I Already Knew I Would Leave
I was not like them. I very quickly realised where I was, and at the age of
seven I already knew I would leave. I didn’t know when, or where I would
go. Wh...
One of those
You know the feeling when you hear a song and it quickly gets inside your
head and you just can't stop replaying it to yourself, sometimes to the
point you...
...a wishing well into which I throw my dreams...
Same, David Quantick, same...
[image: David Quantick speaks truth on BlueSky, 23rd Jan 2025]
Having said that, David's novel All My Colors is excellent.
2024 Albums
I seem to dust off the old blog a couple times a year for these lists,
because what good music blogger doesn’t like a list. Even though this sight
doesn’t ...
New album on the way - help needed!
I've spent the last couple of months working on my first album. Tentatively
called "Et Tu?" it is a deliberate attempt to write and produce songs that
December 6 - 19, 1984
[image: Smash Hits, December 06, 1984]
(click on the image to see the full issue)
*Cover*: Strawberry Switchblade
*Centrespread*: Annie Lennox
*Back cover*...
John Peel - 5th September 1992
Featuring sessions from Papa Wemba and Pavement.
Listen Here
*Putters - Muscle Car (Empty)Pavement - Secret Knowledge Of Back Roads ...
Rest Easy Dad
Andy Wingate 02 May 1939 - 05 June 2022Today we say goodbye to my dad. My
brother, my mum and myself will be performing the service, as my mother
says "n...
Tips voor het opzetten van een administratie
Het opzetten van een administratie is niet de leukste klus, maar het is wel
noodzakelijk. Het is echter ook niet de makkelijkste klus en er komt een
hoop b...
Best releases of the month – JANUARY 2020
The start of the year is usually slow for new releases, but this year some
real gems have already been released . Here is my summary of the releases I
37, in dog years?!
Came back home and Xander had ate all the birthday cupcakes for his human
The post 37, in dog years?! appeared first on Dogshaming.
Kane Strang: "My Smile Is Extinct"
Pop and New Zealand are usually a successful cocktail, and such is the case
with Kane Strang's new single, the absolutely brilliant *" My Smile Is
Beermat of the month
This series idea has not proved to be the goldmine of blog posts that I
expected, to be honest. Beermats these days are pretty boring. It's a
shame. But ...
NAT JOHNSON Neighbour of the Year (2014)
Anoche nos dedicábamos a la casi siempre gratificante labor de rescatar
videos musicales de grupos que habiendo aparecido por aquí en el pasado han
Summer Days Are Forever
Summer Days Are Forever from songsforgirlsBlog on 8tracks Radio.
This will be the last mix for a while. Six months of summer is upon us
here, and sorry I ...
Talking Bush...
Need to spread the word on this one, so for this single (?) occasion I'm
bringing the blog back to life. *Talking Bush* from *Russia* has published
just on...
Hi-Fi Sound Stereo Test Record
Do you remember when people cared so much about the sound quality of their
'Hi-Fi' that they actually purchased albums to help set them up and test
the qua...
Morrissey book review
He submitted an episode of Coronation Street which ended with Ena Sharples
saying: 'Do I really look like a fan of X Ray Spex?'
Our Favourite Comedian
In the early 80’s me and Trev met at Manchester University. We were doing
degrees in Drama (one each). I can’t speak for Trev, but I was hardly the
most ac...
El Regalo de Silvia-Dulces Lágrimas
Ha tenido que pasar más de un año para que vuelva a aparecer por aquí,
seguramente todos los amigos que seguían este blog lo han ido abandonando,
muchos a...
Pete Green - The Glass Delusion
In my mind Pete Green has been around forever – I interviewed him on this
blog 6 (!) years ago – but after checking I now know it’s true: this is
really ...
Advent Day1 Rudolf's not very horny
Advent Day1 Rudolf's not very horny
Originally uploaded by BLTP Photo
will be posting some new Xmassy pics and some ghosts of Christmas past
simple pleasures
LJUS - Vackraste på Östermalm
This is a special boat session. To pu it simple: *25 musicians, 15 cameras
and, as usual, a boat.* This is *LJUS* in a really special gig at
hey hey honeypop show #1
I'm putting on a show, all on my own, for the first time ever and well,
it's a hey hey honeypop thing. Hello. Please come to it you're in London.
It'll be ...
No question, some 80s movies do not stand the tests of time and memory.
Risky Business. Mannequin. Anything starring Steve Guttenberg. But others
that you ...
Eileen and the Tale of Teddy Terror
Ever heard the fable about the happy squirrel who tried to do too much? The
happy little squirrel decided to help everyone else with their business
A Friday night record
So no comments for the Way of the West post. I can’t pretend I’m not
disappointed, they are pretty good records after all. I know just the thing
to get y...
My Indietracks 2012 compilation video
It is mere days after the Indietracks 2012 music festival in Derbyshire and
I have finished editing my videos. As always I've made a couple of
compilation ...
That's Justice
Perhaps it's timely, while much of the 'civilised' West hops up & down at
the beastliness of several Muslim countries - to note that the Scottish
courts ...
Thanks once again to James Hood for this lovely picture summary of Adam &
Joe's Glastonbury shows. You can still catch the podcasts here. "Eavis &
Vi tar en paus
The Tram Session har tagit en paus. Kommer tillbaka! Under tiden kan du
kolla in min andra sajt:
El Arte De Tomar Vino
El acto formal de beber vino debe ser lento y ocioso; beber sin
restricciones debe tener algo de elegante y romántico. Beber vinos en
primavera debe tener ...
My Last Post
Well thats it, Hot Hits is my last post. I could make a long speech about
blah blah blah, but i wont....hope the blog brought back some memories for
you, a...
Another Sad Loss
I don't know what is happening this year as another musical hero of mine
died this week. Alex Chilton of The Boxtops and more famously Big Star died
on 17 ...
More than Standard Fare?
Regrettably, it's taken me until now to pay attention to Sheffield's Standard
Fare, a trio playing the type of crashing, simple pop with sassy girl
vocals ...
Back to Brighton and Sarah Records again today with *Brighter*, a lovely
little three piece who briefly illuminated the indie scene from 1989 to
1992 with ...
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