Now I'm not normally one for marking the passing of time, but today marks the fourth anniversary of this blog coming into existence. Which, in music blog years, is about four. And what a different place the world - or at least the United Kingdom - was when we first started.
The Prime Minister was an unctuous, slippery sod with the gift of the gab and a huge personal fortune; the country was embroiled in an unwinnable war in a faraway land; England had an unsuccessful football team full of lethargic, charmless multi-millionaires; Manchester United had just regained the Premier League title from Chelsea; large sections of the public were so easily pleased that they happily survived on a diet of reality TV and vacuous celebrity tittle-tattle; and Simon Cowell bestrode the music and entertainment industries like some kind of successful and revered yet conspicuously untalented colossus. So yes, barely recognisable from the world we live in today.
I don't think it's hyperbolic in any way to suggest that the impact Too Much Apple Pie had on the wider world was as earth-shattering as it was immediate. Within three weeks of
our very first post, Tony Blair had resigned as Prime Minister, obviously only too aware that the world had moved on, the winds of change were blowing and that he'd all too clearly lived his life like a candle in the wind...
It has to be said he made a wise choice, mind you. How on earth Blair could realistically have been expected to survive as PM in the face of a silly music blog written by two people and read by about three, would be hard to envisage for even his staunchest of supporters.
Now I'm not saying his resignation was
all down to us - indeed, a cynic might argue that he'd announced his intention to step down months before this blog had even appeared. But doesn't that strike you as a little bit
too convenient? No, it was quite obvious that Blair was running scared and our arrival just confirmed that his position was now completely untenable. In your fizzog, Blair!
If I can be serious for a moment (doubtful, but I'll give it a go), I'd like to sincerely thank everyone who's found and stuck with us over the course of the past 1461 days - intermittent posts, umm, mittent bad jokes and all. Whether you signed the guestbook or simply dropped by to nab the mp3s, the fact that you bothered at all was duly noted and gave our already monstrous egos a further boost. Gawd knows if we'll manage another four years but it's been fun while it's lasted. Cheers!
Daryll-Ann - Surely Justice* mp3*The song that got the Too Much Apple Pie ball rolling, on June 11th 2007.