One such set of songwords that have somehow lodged themselves in my brain seemingly for life are those of The Show by self-styled "Human Beatbox" Doug E. Fresh & The Get Fresh Crew, which I can, slightly worryingly, still recite verbatim even now.
Actually, I think I'd be right in saying that this #7 UK smash from late 1985 would have been the first 12" single I ever owned, which might go some way to explaining why it's remained so etched in my memory. So strong is its hold that I can even remember the rather shonky B-side La Di Da Di pretty much word for word too. Christ, I really must have played this record to death!
Anyway, to me this hip hop classic will forever conjure up memories of school trips, furtive dalliances with smoking, and trying to sneak into sixth form discos under age; to you it may just sound like a cheesy old racket!
Doug E. Fresh & The Get Fresh Crew - The Show mp3 (available for 7 days)
Buy Doug E. Fresh stuff here.